Tuesday, October 18, 2005

It Shall Not Be So Among You!

And Jesus called them to him and said to them, "You know that those who are supposed to rule over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. 43 But it shall not be so among you; but whoever would be great among you must be your servant, 44 and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. 45 For the Son of man also came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Mark 10: 42-45

Authority in the kingdom of God is stood on its head. When Jesus heard the disciples arguing over who would the greatest in the kingdom, he gave them the above teaching. The greatest is the one who becomes a slave to all. From the world's perspective, greatness is achieved by attaining the pinnacle of the pyramid. Take a look at the back of a dollar bill. What symbol do you find on our money? A pyramid topped by an all seeing eye. When one becomes the President of the Company, he or she gets to tell everyone else what to do. That is why people claw their way to the top of the heap only to discover when they get there that it is a hollow experience. Fame, wealth and glory can never fullfill the inner need for what we all crave. What is it that we really want? To be loved and appreciated by someone. How do you gain love and appreciation? By becoming a servant to all. It is another of one of those paradoxes!

As an elder at church I struggle with this concept daily. Sometimes the demands of people can just overwhelm me. And, that is when I have to turn towards God and put it in his hands. My selfish nature wants to be served; but, my spiritual nature realizes that only when I become like Jesus and serve the needs of others that I truly discover joy, peace, love and happiness.

How about you? I would love to hear from some of you on this subject!



At Wed Oct 19, 07:47:00 AM CDT, Blogger Klint Pleasant said...

Well here is a typical "new father" example. I have a 9 month old AND a wife who cannot fully function at the moment. My life has changed dramatically. When I get home from work I spend the remainder of my evening serving. Errands, baths, dinner, giving my wife her med's, etc... However, what I'm realizing is that I am actually enjoying this new role, because if you look hard enough there is blessing in service. People always make Jesus out to be "poor Jesus" when He was the one that got the towel and basin and began to wash the feet. I think the opposite...I would be willing to bet that He found great blessing in this. Just as He probably found great blessing in cooking breakfast for Peter on the seashore. There is someting special about service...that is when done with the proper attitude.

I look forward to the day when I will eat a meal that was prepared by Jesus!

At Wed Oct 19, 08:01:00 AM CDT, Blogger Guatorean Daddy said...

There is this feeling growing in the pit of my stomach that servanthood will take on another dimension in my life. A new business and employee, picking up our "new" 6 month-old Benjamin this coming weekend, being a good husband. I sure am glad He has some big shoulders.


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