Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Uncertainity of Life

Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and get gain"; whereas you do not know about tomorrow. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we shall live and we shall do this or that." [James 4: 13-15]
2005 has been a year that has etched the above verse into my life. And, again, yesterday I was reminded of the above. Sunday afternoon I noticed that I was having some strange vision in my right eye. Nothing too exciting but some increased floaters and some occasional bluriness. As a precaution I did call my eye doctor. My afternoon appointment cancelled unexpectantly at the last moment, and the doctor's office called and had an opening yesterday afternoon. That was very rare. As it turned out, the doctors discovered the beginning of a retinal detachment in my right eye. So, this morning I am off to Barnes Hospital to have eye surgery. This was NOT what I had planned for Christmas!
I have learned that one's life can change dramatically with one phone call or by one seemingly small event. I live my life with a calendar of committments and expectations that often control my actions and squeeze me into this world's mold. Yet, the greater reality is that life is a vapor and that it can change in an instant. The only one who is in control is the Lord. And that is why we should preface everything we do with, " If the Lord wills...".
If the Lord wills, I hope to update this blog. I am feeling very much like the mist this morning!
May the Lord bless us and keep us all in the palm of his hand. Maranatha!


At Wed Dec 21, 10:21:00 AM CST, Blogger Jason Harbison said...

I understand this so much. It reminds me of the saying that "Life happens while you are making other plans"

So many times we go thru life forgetting that God is in control. So many times we pray "if your will" Yet how many times do we really mean that? Are we satisfied when God says no? I know that in my life God has said no many times and as I now look back I realize that I am so grateful that he said no.

I get daily verses every day from Air1.com and today's was from Matthew 10:31 "Don't be afraid; you are more valuable to [God] than a whole flock of sparrows."

Even if it is not his will he does have a plan for us and he will take care of us.

I will be praying for your family and I know that God will take care of you.

At Wed Dec 21, 06:36:00 PM CST, Blogger Bradford L. Stevens said...


You are so right! We make our plans and lay out what we are going to do; and, then lo and behold, our plans unravel! I think that is why Jesus taught his disciples to live in the moment! That is all we really have.

Thanks for your comment!


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