Sunday, May 21, 2006

Crossroads in the Kingdom

May 21, 2006 was another day in the kingdom. But, it was a day of beginnings, endings and changes. I have tried to use this blog for spiritual discussions on biblical issues. However, today this a much more personal reflection on events surrounding the McKnight Road Church. Today was the transition of Brian Magnuson's ministry at McKnight Road before he and his family leave for a new position with the Westgate Church of Christ in Dothan, Alabama. Brian and Heather will be missed at our church. The church held an agape feast today in their honor. Above is a picture of Brian and Bob Nossaman visiting in the multipurpose room after church today. Brian has been an integral part of the ministry of McKnight Road Church of Christ for eleven years. I am certain that God has great plans in mind for Brian and his family. It was also the last Sunday for Scott and Everlie Boulton who are also moving to the same town and the same church. Scott and Everlie are a wonderful young couple who came here and have done so much for so many in such a short time. The also leave a big hole to fill at our church. This past year we have a plethora of wonderful people who have, for various reasons, moved and left us. While I understand that transition is a part of life, it is part that I don't like. I have often said that the foyer of the McKnight Road Church building is a crossroads in the kingdom of God. There are some real giants of spiritual people who have passed through our doors over the years. All one has to do is hang around and meet some of them. Those who do gain some of the greatest blessings of the kingdom.

And, while we are losing folks, God is already at work sending us new people. Meet our newest members who were introduced this morning. This is Jessie and Jayson Vincent. Jayson is a Michigan State graduate whom now works for Boeing. We welcome them into the family that meets at McKnight Road. Please introduce yourself to them and get to know them. God does provide! We will be having a special program on Sunday June 4, 2006 to share a vision of what the Elders see in the future of the church that meets at McKnight Road. We will have a potluck dinner in the multipurpose room following services and invite all members to stick around for a brain-storming session where the elders and deacons will solicit input and feedback from all our members as we seek to do the work of the kingdom. Please circle that date on your calendar and come and participate.

At the same time, one of our former Elders, Dean Patrick, is struggling with end stage liver cancer. Dean is at home on hospice care. His wonderful wife, Jan, and their family and lot of friends, brothers and sisters in the Lord, and neighbors are ministering to them at this time of the end of his life. I guess it could not be any more clearer to me that today is a day of beginnings, endings and changes.

Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says, "Today, when you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, on the day of testing in the wilderness, where your fathers put me to the test and saw my works for forty years. Therefore I was provoked with that generation, and said, 'They always go astray in their hearts; they have not known my ways.'
Hebrews 3: 7-10


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