Saturday, March 29, 2008


But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from You, and we have given you only what comes from your hand."
I Chroncicles 29:14 NIV
The above are the words of King David before the assembly as he praised God for the ability to contribute to the work of the kingdom. The recognition that everything comes from God is the beginning of wisdom. We enter this life with nothing and we leave with nothing. What we do with what we have while we are here will make a difference in how we spend eternity. The best way to thank God and to praise his name is to do something to advance the cause of the kingdom. There are myriads of ways to do that. Jesus promised that even a cup of cold water given in his name would not lose its reward. God does not need our money. The whole universe was made by his hand. But, what he desires is our relationship. Fruit of that relationship is evidenced by a spirit of generosity of time, money and talents. God loves a hilarious giver. The joke is on those who think that they can keep something by hoarding it. It is a universal law of nature that every time you give something away, it comes back to you. Try it sometime! Do something in secret for someone else who is less fortunate and watch what happens to you. I believe that you will discover that you will be blessed beyond anything that one ever imagined.



At Wed May 07, 10:55:00 AM CDT, Blogger BAC said...

I love this scripture. Thank you for sharing the importance of giving as taught in the scriptures.
"The joke is on those who think that they can keep something by hoarding it." What if I understood that phrase to it's fullest? What if more people in the world did? What joy there would be! Thank you for this post. It has helped me to travel farther down the path of being closer to God.


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