Thursday, August 28, 2008

Nothing on earth is more beautiful than the morning sun. Even if you live to a ripe old age, you should try to enjoy each day.

Ecclesiastes 11:7

I read the above verse to my three and one-half year old granddaughter this morning from her "Read and Learn" Favorite Bible Verse book. I am certain that I derived more wisdom from it than she did today; but, the seed of faith planted into her heart by the Word and watered with the prayers of grandparents and parents will do wonderful things in the years ahead.
It was almost three years ago to the day that my daughter Rachel had a near death experience. An emergency craniotomey at 3:00 a.m. in the morning saved her life. This morning as I stood in the shower of her guest bathroom, I fashbacked to 3 years ago. I remember standing in the same spot pouring out my heart to the Lord. Showers are a great place to pray. One stands before the Lord naked and the water washes away the tears. Three years later I think about the above verse. Every day is a gift. I am choosing to enjoy this day.

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