Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Jesus and the Kingdom of God

The good news is about something that happened in time and space. It is a historical claim. Christianity is not a new moral teaching. It is a proclamation that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah. Christianity has been distorted over time to be focused on heaven and hell. It is not "fire insurance" to make sure that one ends up on the right side of the ledger when the roll is called up yonder. That is the purpose of religion. Jesus did not have a lot to say that was very positive about those who were ""religious".

So what is the point? What is Christianity about?

Christianity is based upon faith that the living God, in fulfillment of his promises to a man named Abraham, and later his promises to a nation of Abraham's descendants, has accomplished the rescue of mankind from sin and death. It is a rescue operation that is on going. It is based upon the life, death, burial and resurrection of one man....Jesus. A great door has swung open in the spiritual realm. We are invited to enter and are offered freedom from slavery to sin and death. We discover, that in following Jesus, that this new world is indeed a place of justice, spirituality, relationship and beauty. We now get to enjoy it; but, we are commanded to bring this reality to earth. In listening to Jesus we discover the echos of the voice that has been imprinted upon the hearts and minds of the human race from the beginning of all time.



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