Sunday, November 15, 2009


"When you come, bring the coat that I left with Carpus at Tro'as,
also the books, and above all the parchments."
2 Timothy 4:13
Paul's words to Timothy not to forget the parchments resonate with me. Why is it that those who preach and teach are so devoted to the written word? Perhaps it is because the divine Creator spoke the world into existence by the "logos" (the "word"). In fact the proclamation of John is that this creative force, the word of God, became flesh in the form of Jesus Christ. Yet, God himself did not write a book about himself. Instead he entrusted his message to men and women to testify as to His wishes and desires. The Bible's multiple authors testify to the same thing. They were witnesses to the account of God's interaction in human history.
I suspect that the apostle Paul would be shocked today that his personal notes and letters are the basis of our Scripture. And, yet, how do we determine what is true today? Isn't it by the testimony of eye witnesses to the event that is in question? I believe that the plan of God is revealed in his Word. Studying and reading it are ways that one can gain insight and understanding. Ultimately, God puts his seal upon a believer's heart by the power of his Holy Spirit. But, seeing the Word in action as revealed by others is one way that we can grow spiritually. History is a flashlight that can give one insight as to how one arrived at where they are today.



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