Sunday, February 26, 2006

Jesus the Cornerstone

Throughout scripture the Messiah is portrayed as a stone. "Cornerstone" is a Messianic title. Isa. 8:14 and Rom 9:32-33 refer to the Messiah as a "stone of stumbling". He is not something that cannot be ignored. The Messiah is a "smitten stone" (Ex. 17:6; I Cor. 10:4) and will be revealed at his second coming (Dan. 2: 34-35). Lastly, he is the rejected stone that becomes the chief cornerstone ( Ps. 118:22-23; Matt. 21: 42). A cornerstone was the boulder laid at the corner where two walls met. It was the principal stone of a foundation giving structural stability and strength to a building. The apostle Paul identified the "chief cornerstone" as Jesus the Messiah (Eph. 2:20). We can rest assured that when Jesus comes again he will be revealed to all as the foundation upon whom we stand. A wise man builds his house upon the rock. May we all attend to our foundation and realize upon whom we stand. Our faith is not in a building, or a movement or a group of believers. It is not based upon a book. It is based upon a relationship with a God who is alive and desires that we trust in Him as a person. Jesus is the revelation of God.


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