Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Person of the Year

I have tried to resist, but I have to make a comment about the Time Magazine “Person of the Year.” Well, if you haven’t heard, it is, “You.” Me included, as in us! Have you seen the magazine cover – a piece of foil shows the reflection of “You” as the winner? I feel I should be breaking into a speech about how I want to thank my agent and my producer and everyone that has help me win this prestigious award. And yet, I feel like saying, “Wrong, what a copout!” That’s not a quality selection. I mean, I have disagreed with your selections before, but this is not even a selection. Did you just give up and decide you were tired of counting votes? This is worse than the year you chose the Computer as the person of the year!

And yet, the fact that I can voice this opinion on a blog (a word that is still not in my computer’s vocabulary spell check!) is part of the reason the choice was made. The fact that the general public is actively participating in the tools available to them through the internet to communicate, and even change the world, makes the people, the you, the most impacting person of the year. That I can sit at my keyboard and voice my opinion about this and an endless number of things and get your feedback on the topic is absolutely amazing. We have the opportunity to exchange information, and views of that information, and applications of that information in ways never before available to our society. The internet is changing the world. It is influencing our thinking. It has become a vital part of our communication in the world. It has become the classroom for millions of students. It has become a tool for teaching the Gospel to places we could have never traveled or sent missionaries. It has impacted our economy and for many it has become the only place to shop. It has changed the direction of elections, public opinion and become a measuring tool for the voice of the people. It is a place for the fans to say what they think about the teams they cheer and to rebuke the athletes that are out of control. It has become the anti-war demonstration of this generation while also being the sending agency for holiday well wishes and support to our troops on foreign soil. It has become the place to sound off and give your view, and the place to sound off at those who sound off.

Oh yes, it has its ugly side, too. Pornography! The Stalker! The Con Artist! Need I say more of the dangers that lurk out there? For the evil side, another tool has been found, as well! And there is the more innocent, but devastating, misuse of time, talent and heart by sitting for hours at the screen rather than interacting with real people and real life. And true, billions of dollars have been lost through internet gambling. But for all the negatives, it comes down to the same issue that we had before the internet, “sin and a fallen world, and freedom of choice.” Those who will choose to use the internet for evil, will; and those who choose to use it for good, will.

I know, you may read this and want to comment, most won’t, because you are like me. You are reluctant to put what you think in public view. What if you don’t write it correctly? What if you are misunderstood? What if you flat get it wrong and later you change your mind, but they read it and that is the view you are stuck with from now on because you put it out there? But whether you choose to click that comment tab, or not, the fact that you can and that you thought about it makes us a part of the “you” that has just been named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year!


At Wed Dec 20, 07:24:00 AM CST, Blogger Bradford L. Stevens said...

David I am thankful for your posts and hope that we can get others to comment from time to time. Anything that lets us shine the light of the good news into the world is, I think, a good thing. We have ways to communicate today that allows many to stay in communication with friends and family all over the world. I am thankful for the blogging experience. And, I have never been more honored to be Man of the Year! :-)


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