Thursday, February 22, 2007

Day 40 of the 40 Days of Purpose

It is finished! 40 Days of Purpose. But not really, it is really only the beginning, for now we put these 5 Purposes into Action. As we have said all the way through, we have really only been reviewing the McKnight Road Church of Christ Mission Statement:

A Church Family Committed to (That’s Purpose # 2 - Fellowship)
Worshiping God (That’s Purpose # 1 - Worship)
Serving Our Fellowman (That’s Purpose # 4 - Ministry)
Sharing the Good News (That’s Purpose # 5 – Evangelism)
Making Disciples (That’s Purpose # 3 – Discipleship)

May we all individually and as a church put these into practice for our overall purpose of bringing glory to God. May the Lord bless the fruit of our 40 Days of Purpose to His Glory!


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