Saturday, February 17, 2007

Day 35 of the 40 Days of Purpose

“God’s Power in Your Weakness”

This chapter is so contrary to our culture. We live in a world where we are taught to never show our weakness, in fact, you are not supposed to ever admit you have a weakness. If we could really practice the principles of this chapter it would be so freeing. Free from always trying to be perfect, invincible, without flaws, sins or vulnerabilities. Free from trying to cover up. Free from the need to be Superman, or Super Spiritual. Free from always needing to be the leader, when in reality, some times you need to be led. Free from being so image conscious and able to just let go and be human! So why not let God use your weakness and experience this freedom? Because we are afraid and that fear comes from a lack of faith. Not believing that God can overcome every reason given to not let your guard down and be real – weaknesses in all!


At Tue Feb 13, 04:36:00 AM CST, Blogger Bradford L. Stevens said...

Until we have been in a situation where we realize that we have lost control and are powerless, we can never experience the power of faith. It is only a partial answer to why we learn obedience through suffering; but, in the end we "experience" God's peace when we finally give it all to Him.


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