Sunday, March 27, 2011

Have you commanded the morning since your days began, and caused the dawn to know its place..
Job 38:12
When I awoke this morning I went downstairs to go get the newspaper out of the driveway. I always like to pray early when I awake. As I stepped out into the cold air, I looked up and saw the moon in the sky at dawn. The words of the Lord to Job came to mind. Sometimes in the midst of the things we complain about (like snow storms in the spring) there are those moments of beauty and awe when the soul recognizes that it is not about us. God is still in control. And, he gives us those moments to "look up" and appreciate that even in the midst of lament, he provides great beauty if we only see with the eye of faith. May your day this day be about searching for the divine. We are made for eternity.

In the book of Hebrews we read that one cannot come to God unless one believes that God is, and that he rewards those who diligently seek Him. Believing in God is not just recognition of His is realizing He is the Creator and is absolute in knowledge, truth and power. Therefore, we are dependent upon Him for life and for everything which we have been given. He also invites us into his presence because he loves each and every one of us beyond our reason and understanding. When we pray we have the assurance that God always answers our prayers. This does not mean he answers them according to our will or wisdom; but, according tho His. He alone is absolute in knowledge and wisdom. He alone knows the things which are best for us. Let us continue to "pray without ceasing" and acknowledge the great I am.



At Mon Mar 28, 06:27:00 AM CDT, Blogger LuckyPierre said...

This meditation is so complete and essential in my own life. It's not always a "natural" way to approach living, especially when dealing with others, and institutions. Instinctively or through our socialization we develop self centered thinking that diverts us from what is truly best for us. Aligning my life to the Will of the Creator, accepting my powerlessness, appreciating the gifts I've been given and doing good for others all bring me closer to the person God intends me to be.


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