Sunday, March 18, 2012


The word "trinity" is not in the Bible.  The ability to describe God of scripture is one of those anomalies of faith. In our spiritual world 1=3.  I recently ran across this new word "triunity" and I really like it.  "Tri - unity" seems to make a lot more sense to my feeble organic time space linear mind of mine.  It is a difficult thing to grasp how the God whom we worship is the same God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob of whom Moses declared "The Lord  your God is one".....and, at the same time in the book of Genesis we have God saying "let us make man in our image."  This cannot be understood in human terms.  

The biblical story begins with God (the father) speaking the world (through his "word") into existence.  In Genesis 1:1 we find the "Spirit of God ( the Holy Spirit) was moving over the face of the waters.  We later read in John 1 that the "word" (Greek for 'logos' ) became "flesh".  That person was the Messiah who came to fulfill all scripture.

I recently ran across a passage in Isaiah that also seems to say this.  I think Isaiah alluded to "triunity" when he prophesied; but, I would dare to suggest that he too probably did not fully understand it. In Isaiah chapter 48 God says through his prophet:

 12 "Hearken to me, O Jacob, and Israel, whom I called! I am He, I am the first, and I am the last. 13 My hand laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand spread out the heavens; when I call to them, they stand forth together.  

Clearly the speaker here is God the creator who is the God of Israel.  He then goes on to say in verse 16:

 16 Draw near to me, hear this: from the beginning I have not spoken in secret, from the time it came to be I have been there." And now the Lord GOD has sent me and his Spirit.  

If God is speaking then who is the  "Lord GOD" the "Spirit" and "me"?  Even more confusing still is the Lord God and the Holy Spirit sent the One who is called the First and the Last---the one who laid the foundations of the earth.

Clearly, all three of these entities are God.  Isaiah revealed all three personalities of the Godhead:  "the Lord God" referring to the "Father"; "His Spirit" referring to the Holy Spirit; and "Me" referring tho the speaker, who later identifies himself in verse 17 as the "Redeemer...thus the speaker is the Messiah.  Seven hundred years later, Jesus was born as a baby in Bethlehem fulfilling the prophecy of Micah 5:2 and many other scriptures as well.  He performed only miracles that God could do, including raising the dead and admitted to being the Messiah (Matt. 26:63-64; John 4:25-26).  Years later he appeared to the apostle John on the island of Patmos and declared:

"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End says the Lord, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty"  (Rev. 1:18)

Paul wrote to the church in  at Colosse concerning Jesus (which echos Isaiah) "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.  For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth."  

God exists in three persons; yet, there is only one God.  Bible believing Christians who accept Triunity worship the God of Israel who spoke through the prophet Isaiah and believe that Jesus is the Messiah.


At Thu Jan 31, 01:36:00 PM CST, Blogger Joan Schaper said...

Thank you Brad. Finally, I have and can see a clear picture.
Your research was wonderful.
I find it refreshing that "we" are always learning.
It is like the story, no matter how many times you read it...the view needs to be there. thank you again.

At Thu Jan 31, 01:47:00 PM CST, Blogger Joan Schaper said...

nthank you for the clear picture. My mind has had a hard time wrapping around this. Am I ashamed to say that as a Christian I have had a hard time with this? Part of me says yes because it is confusing. I have to have things proven before I can accept it.
Thank you for showing me the path. You have no idea how much I appreciate this.


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