Thursday, March 23, 2006

What shall we do?

"And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers." Acts 2:42

The early church on the day of Pentacost in its infancy seemed to know what needed to be done. They focused on the apostles' teaching. There was a thirst for knowledge of the Word of God as revealed in the teaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ. There was fellowship. Whenever the "called out" gathered, there were bonds created between believers who were following the same path together. In that journey, there was sharing of the bread of life. And, they prayed.

These are things that every church should be about. Those who think that God is a means to an end, miss the point of the kingdom. The gospel is not a way to health and wealth. Instead, the call of the believer is to seek knowledge, create fellowship, break bread and pray. This world is not the goal. God cares about our conduct.


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