Saturday, September 16, 2006

Life is Short

"Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and get gain"; whereas you do not know about tomorrow. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. "
James 4: 13-15
We all make plans. We each live our lives as if we are immortal. We assume that tomorrow will be there as it was yesterday. And yet, when we bump up against the death of a loved one, that event feels so "surprising". Like, this is not the way that it should be. There is no question that we were made for immortality. The gospel story is that something got in the way and ruined that for us. The secret to learning how to live is to recognize the greater reality that life is like a "mist" or a "vapor". We have no permanence in this world. The end is coming. However, the little things we do each day do make a big difference in where and how we will spend eternity. If our lives are focused on physical gain, we will miss the boat. Learning to live life with significance means focusing upon the things that are eternal. Faith, hope and love are the keys to living life at a higher level. Do something today that makes a difference before your life vanishes. You will be glad that you did!


At Sun Sep 24, 08:58:00 AM CDT, Blogger Hazel said...

This lesson really sinks in for me today. Earlier this week a car chase occured. The police chased a car through this rural area on the winding country roads. It all ended when the car tried to cross a rural highway without stopping. The pick up truck it broadsided was split in half by the impact. The two in the truck and the two in the car all died instantly.

All of them woke that morning just like every other morning. Surely none of them thought "today I will die." and yet they did.

The people of at least 5 different towns got this lesson : the town where the police officer lives, the town where the chase began, the one where the driver of the pick-up lived, and also the passenger, that of the one where the kids in the car lived and the town near where the accident occurred.

Life is so short and can be gone in the blink of an eye. Why do we forget that so easily and take our lives for granted?


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