Sunday, January 28, 2007

A blast from the Past

Words to ponder:

"Why is it that we see men willing to sacrifice property, the comforts of home, the sweets of the domestic and family relationship, undergo privations and sorrows, suffer hunger, and cold, and nakedness, and want for long and weary years, and freely give up life itself at the bidding of earthly rulers and for the sake of corrupt and perishing human kingdoms, while so few are willing to undergo the slightest inconvenience or suffer the least self-denial for the heavenly and eternal kingdom?"

"Why is it that we even see men who profess to be members of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, willing to suffer the loss of all things, property, children, and their own life's blood for the earthly kingdom, yet are unwilling to spend a very small portion of time or money for the Kingdom and cause of God. Why is it? -- David Lipscomb, Gospel Advocate, Vol. VIII, No. 2 (January 9, 1866): 31.

I have found myself wondering the same thing?


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