Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Thoughts along the Journey

Looking at what is going on in the churches of Christ these days is encouraging. We are beginning to return to the roots of the Restoration principles upon which our movement was founded. Rather than being another denomination we profess to be "Christians only....but, not the only Christians." We have no creed but the Bible and we are free as a congregation to celebrate the freedom of grace as we see fit not subject to any greater authority than Jesus Christ as Lord.

With that said there are many who believe that some of the issues that preoccupy the minds of many are simply missing the mark. Fred Peatross writes an interesting blog at:http://fredpeatross.wordpress.com/

Below is one of his comments that struck me:

"Here’s just one example of our (forgotten) misplaced priorities.
My heritage is busy exerting time, energy, efforts, and resources to the evolution and incorporation of instruments of music into its church model. Why? Some leaders believe by introducing instrumental music (which my theology allows) into their assemblies they will become relevant and increase the potential to reach our culture. I’ve often asked myself why do we think this way? Do Churches of Christ think by introducing instrumental music into their assembly that somewhere in Anytown, USA one non-Christian will say to the other? "Hey, Have you heard? The East Side Church of Christ now uses guitars in worship." With that both men jump off their bar stools and rush to the East Side Church of Christ because, finally after all these years, the Churches of Christ have an acoustical guitar in their assembly. Please! Other religious heritages have used instrumental music for years and many of them are in decline. Innovation? Hardly! Relevant is important but I think we’ve been duped into believing something that isn’t. Satan is the architect of this secondary issue and it makes me sad. There’s little doubt…we have lost our way! "

I find much to agree with in his conclusion. I think the study we are undergoing with the 40 days of Purpose is the type of teaching that we need to comprehend if we want to truly become a church that is missional in purpose. What do you think?


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