Thursday, February 01, 2007

Day 19 of the 40 Days of Purpose

“Cultivating Community”

Confidentiality is a strained commodity. It usually comes with the whisper of a secret, often the breaking of a previous confidentiality. “Now this is confidential,” is too often a statement of “Don’t betray that I am betraying someone else.”

Behind true confidentiality is mutual trust. It is not the sharing of gossip, it is the bearing one another’s burdens.

To share one’s self in confidence is a compliment that another is trusted with value beyond measure. And to hear the baring of the soul, puts one in the responsible position of protecting the life and honor of the other.

It is the breaking of this sacred trust that has made it so difficult. For all its great benefits, the hurt caused by the Judas-like sellout is irreparable destruction. It has caused many to never trust again, or to remain bitter for a lifetime.

So stop before you agree to take into confidence. Ask if what is about to be said should be said. And ask yourself if you can carry the burden of the entrusting of someone’s emotional well-being into your care.


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