Monday, February 05, 2007

Day 23 of the 40 Days of Purpose

“How We Grow”

It is an interesting concept to think about “deciding to grow.” I remember in football wishing I were bigger, and now wishing I were smaller! Back in my football days, it seemed no matter what I did to put on a few pounds, I just could not get bigger. The coach had us drinking special shakes and lifting weights, and it seemed to make a difference for some of the bigger players, but it didn’t help me grow. However, maybe because I could not rely on my size, I decided I had to play smarter, and I determined to understand the game and how to play it better than anyone out there. It made a big difference and I was able to play better than many players much bigger than me.

If you make discipleship, becoming like Christ, simply a matter of external circumstances, you will probably not grow much. But if you decide to grow internally and let that change the way you deal with external circumstances, you will grow. Decide to grow!


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