Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Day 25 of the 40 Days of Purpose

“Transformed by Trouble”

When I consider the question for today, “What problem in my life has caused the greatest growth in me?” it brings a number of “bad things” to mind that have happened to our family that have contributed to my spiritual growth. I think of difficult circumstances that have been challenges resulting in long periods of waiting in prayer. As far as I know they were from natural causes that tested our faith. But then there were those circumstances that seemed beyond normal natural circumstances and timing that created unique tests as if Satan had been granted permission like he was with Job. Although difficult, through them we grew. Then there were those trying times resulting from the sins of others, some not directly against us but the consequences of their sins hurt us, but at other times their sin was maliciously directed toward us. These trials were difficult for they included betrayal from friends or harm brought upon us while we were in the work of the Lord and we had to wrestle with why God did not protect us from harm while clearly in His service. But I have to confess that the times of trial that have caused the greatest personal growth are the times of growth through my own sin. When my pride had led to my own fall. When I crumbled in the face of temptation. It is the memory of these, although I know I am forgiven, through which I carry the haunting reminder of my frailties that helps me to not rely on my strength. The wonder of grace is that I can see my sinfulness as part of a growth process. I still hurt over the consequences of poor choices, prideful actions, and hurt relationships; but I rejoice that through God’s glorious grace, I am not only forgiven, but now stronger and closer to Him than before. I would not choose to grow by any of these “bad things” in the future, especially through my own sinfulness, but thanks be to God that with his power, wisdom, love and grace they can all result in growth!


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