Sunday, February 11, 2007

Day 29 of the 40 Days of Purpose

“Accepting Your Assignment”

The fact that we are saved by grace and not by works should be such a wonderfully exciting motivator to work. To know that God’s love and mercy is what brings my salvation, should make me love him in return and cause me to want to do everything I can to let him know how much I appreciate it, especially when you consider that you could never work enough to earn it. Unfortunately, many Christians do take it for granted, and because their soul’s salvation is not at risk, they are uninvolved in service to God and our fellowman.

I have always tried to teach our daughters, and set the example before them of showing appreciation for their mother’s efforts by helping out. We have had the rule in our home that the person preparing the meal should not have the responsibility of cleaning up the kitchen. Showing the person who cooked the meal how much you appreciate it by cleaning up afterwards is a simple but practical way of saying “thank you.” When my daughters became old enough to be the cooks, they really appreciated this practice. Our Heavenly Father and His Son deserve a show of appreciation for what they have prepared for us. We should be involved in serving our world to the glory of God.

In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. (Mat 5:16 NIV)


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