Monday, April 09, 2007

Spiritual Discussion and Spiritual Growth

Our “Spiritual Discussion” blogs have not generated much discussion. I have asked myself why and even wondered if it was worthwhile to continue to write. But then I got to thinking, maybe the problem is that I am focusing too much on the “discussion” and not enough on the “spiritual.” If I were to try harder to make my writing more spiritual, what would I have to do? As I pondered this question, I began to try to define, “spiritual.” How would you define this term? It is used in Galatians 6:1: “Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. Who are the “spiritual” that are being called to restore those who have been caught in sin? Is the intended link for this term “spiritual” tied back to the fruit of the Spirit of Galatians 5:22-23? But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” But how is one able to bear the fruit of the Spirit? And is this tied to the fact that we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit as heirs of God as mentioned earlier in the book, Galatians 3:26-4:7? But if all Christians are indwelt by the Holy Spirit, how do you distinguish between the “spiritual” from those who are not “spiritual”? Is the distinction found in the fact that some who are indwelt by the Holy Spirit do not bear the fruit of the Spirit? So, is bearing fruit of the Spirit through my effort, and not the work of the Holy Spirit? Then what is the Holy Spirit doing within me to make me “spiritual”?


At Tue Apr 10, 06:43:00 AM CDT, Blogger Bradford L. Stevens said...

I think that there are many who like to "lurk" but are afraid to comment? Technology can be daunting for some; but, I suspect that talking about "spirituality" for some folks would be about as difficult as talking about sex in a public forum. What is fascinating to me is that the Bible takes on both subjects and has much to say about the "why" and "who" we are. We set up this blog so as not to allow anonymous comments. One must be willing to sign their name to comment. But, I would hope that more might come forward and be willing to share their experiences and journey in a public way to help others understand faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. None of us are perfect. Yet, every believer must be willing to stand up and to proclaim one's faith. My prayer is that many will be able to say "I am not ashamed for I know whom I have believed..."


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