Wednesday, May 21, 2008

To Live is Christ- To Die is Gain

For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
Philippians 1:21
Tonight in our Wednesday evening Bible Class Sean Martin asked the class a question? "If you knew you were going to die, what is the last thing you would want to do before you die?" Almost all the responses were along the line of saying goodbye to loved ones and family members. When death is at the door, it is amazing how important relationships become as opposed to concern for material possessions. I did think of the above verse, where the apostle Paul, close to his time to depart, told the church at Philipi that death was his gain. For the Christian, death is not a barrier; but, a gate to heaven and not something we need to fear. In fact, if we had perfect love, it would cast out all fear. I cannot say that I want to die; but, I do understand what Paul is communicating to the church at large. I had this weird thought go through my head that perhaps the last thing I would do is post a blog? If one believes with all their heart that Jesus is the Messiah and one would want the whole world to know it; then, I can't think of a better forum to share one's faith with, not only one's immediate family, but the entire world. And yet, these electronic bits in cyberspace are limited by their ability to spread the gospel. Ultimately, it is the personal one-on-one interactions that we share with others that allows us to communicate our faith. In any event, if I fail to wake up tomorrow and this would be my final post, I cannot think of a better verse to sum it all up. The message of the creation is that one has to die to live. Maranatha!



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