Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

" And call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven." Matthew 23:9
This passage quoting the discourse of Jesus has always been somewhat of a puzzle for many. On this day when we honor our fathers what does it mean to not to call someone "father" on earth. We of course have our natural fathers who are worthy of honor. The 4th commandment instructs us to "honor our father and mother". What Jesus is targeting is the authority of God as our "spiritual father" which falls right into the first commandment to obey God above all. This can also be seen in the preceding verse 8 : "But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have one teacher, and you are all brethren." In the kingdom of God there is no hierarchy other than the Father in heaven who is King over all. There is to be no clergy-laity distinction of the church in the new testament for we are all brethren. In fact, the concept of authority is turned on its head in the kingdom of God. If one wants to be great in the kingdom, then he or she must become the slave of all. As Jesus girded himself with a towel on the night before his death and washed his disciples feet, he told them to do likewise. In the world greatness is measured by one's individual power and authority. Jesus told his disciples that while gentiles lorded over them it was "not to be so among you". Elevating anyone into a spiritual position of authority and power over someones soul is not what Jesus had in mind for his kingdom.
Even in our own fellowship today which claims that we have no clergy-laity distinctions, we tend to treat ministers, elders and deacons as possessing some kind of power that comes from an office. Corporations have officers, but the church is a spiritual body. We each may have different functions and gifts for the building up of the body of Christ, but no person is to be honored as a spiritual father or teacher aside from the Creator God who made each of us. When Jesus taught his disciples to pray it was to "Our Father in heaven" that our petitions and praise are directed. We need to honor our heavenly father this day above all others.

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