Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Our First Week

Our first week has been fast and furious. We arrived Monday, September 25, and were soon greeted by a wonderful welcoming committee at our new home. We had lunch at a great little sub-shop a short distance from the house and Steve Awtrey took us back to the house to meet someone sent to repair our hot water tank. As we communicated about the repairs, we noticed that Steve had disappeared, and at the same moment my cell phone rang. Few people had my new number and I had just given it to Steve less than an hour earlier. Sure enough it was Steve. He had good news, and bad news. Good news – my basement toilet worked just fine. Bad news – He could not get out of the bathroom! Add a new knob to our list of home repairs! The truck arrived on Tuesday, and it seemed to be an endless day of unloading and unpacking. And when the day was over, it seemed we had not made a dent in the labyrinth of boxes. Wednesday we made headway and attended classes on Wednesday night at our new church home. Thursday, Vicki’s mother and stepfather were in town and stopped by for a visit in route to a health care appointment. Friday, I was surprised, Vicki had been tipped off in advance, by our oldest daughter, Angela, coming in to help and celebrate our commissioning Sunday with us. Steve Awtrey had arranged to meet her at the airport and deliver her to the designated rendezvous point. I am sure glad we got him out of the bathroom! Friday night we enjoyed being in attendance for a very successful CFS (Christian Family Services) banquet with Dr. Jerry Taylor from ACU as the guest speaker. I say successful in that the fellowship, speaker, entertainment and fundraising were all excellent with CFS surpassing its goal for donations for the evening. Saturday morning I had the privilege of being a part of a cultural diversity meeting at the West Central Church of Christ with Dr. Jerry Taylor giving an excellent seminar on reaching the inner city. Then the big day arrived! Sunday was better than we had anticipated! The Elders surrounded us, commissioned us and prayed over us. The singing was great! And of course, I can’t really judge the preaching, but the Preacher sure enjoyed delivering the message! Several publicly committed to “the dream,” and even more gave their assent in a more private setting during the fellowship luncheon that followed. We took Angela to the airport and got back in time for a small group Bible study led by Steve Haupt, one of our elders. When the day was over we were exhausted, but filled with joy and thanksgiving.

“Thank You” seems such an empty expression for what I am feeling towards my new church family, the McKnight Road Church of Christ, but I guess it is a good place to start. Thank you for welcoming us with such excitement, open arms and smiles. Thank you for your wonderful gifts to expedite our settling into our new home. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we get to know you and learn a new system. Thank you for understanding that it was difficult to leave our church family and our daughter in California. Thank you for allowing Vicki and me the opportunity to serve this church together as a part of a great staff. Thank you for your willing spirit to join us in our ministry dreams for the Kingdom in St. Louis. I would borrow from the Apostle Paul in Philippians that “I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day…” (Phil. 1:3-5). And we will always remember with joy and thankfulness our first day with you because you made it so special!

I Dream of a Church

I have a dream…

I dream of a church
...where the message is Christ
Where the people say “we can” through God
And “why not” instead of “you can’t”
Or “it’ll never work.”

I dream of a church
…where the message is love
And people practice acceptance
And unity rather than judgment
And prejudice.

I dream of a church
…where the message is a cross
And people willingly sacrifice for good
Giving of self rather than speak of rights
Or “I like.”

I dream of a church
…where the message is God
And people believe He has power and
That He keeps His promises instead of
Wringing hands in doubt.

I dream of a church
…where the message is real
And people, lonely hurting lost people
Find their way home from a dark
Cold Christless world.

I dream of a church
…where the message is sung
By people from the heart without
Worry about form or performance or
Defending practice.

I dream of a church
…where the message is prayed
By people who believe God will answer
By direct intercession and divine

I dream of a church
…where the message is shared
By people who remember his death
In bread and wine, shed a tear
And smile at the same time.

I dream of a church
…where the message is heard
By people from another person,
Human, but an instrument of God, just a man
With love for the Word.

I dream of a church
…where the message is true
In people who show it in worship,
In praise, in emotion, in care, in giving,
In service, in love.

I dream of a church
…where the message is lived
By people who have given their lives
To a higher calling instead of to
An institution or a doctrine.

I dream of a church
…where the message is hope
For people who will die but live
Eternally by a resurrection where they
Will ever be with the Lord.

I dream of a church
…where the message is faith
By people who believe their God is
Too big for budgets, buildings and programs
Because He is God.

I dream of a church
…where the message is church,
The people not the building or organization or
The doctrine or the practice but the
Body of the Head, Jesus Christ the Lord!

I dream of a church
…where the message is home
A people just passing through bound
For a better place where all their
Dreams come true.

David Bearden


At Wed Oct 04, 07:16:00 PM CDT, Blogger Bradford L. Stevens said...

And, you got to create your first blog entry for morenoble! We are thrilled that you are here! And, look forward to future posts. Maybe we can even begin to generate some comments!


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