Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Ups and Downs

This past week has been a time of emotional ups and downs. Up, in working with a great staff eager to do great things for God’s glory. Up, in working with the deacons as they grow in excitement over the ministry development plans for their November presentation. Up, in participating in prayerful meetings about the needs of people. Up, in being able to return to Camp Neotez for McKnight’s Family Camp Retreat. Up, in a great worship assembly Sunday morning. Up, in the sharing of family time with a small group Sunday evening.

Down, in hearing of a young man who tired of fighting his internal battles. Down, of hearing of more of our church family who have had to hear that frightening word, “CANCER.” Down, as we grieved with Mike and Sandi moving from the elation of expectation to the agony of losing their near-born child.

But even in the down moments, there was the up of knowing that we had our Lord, our faith, and the comfort of our spiritual family. And while the Evil One roamed about our circle seeking a weak link, we huddled closer with a determination that caused our tearstained moments of affection to become pillars of faith to ride out the next storms. And the Father of All Comfort and His Beloved wiped the tears from their own eyes and stretched their arms over us as we began to pray.

It was an up week! Set your mind and heart on the things above – Col. 3:1-4.



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