Saturday, November 04, 2006

Sunday School Teachers

Every Sunday we have scores of our members who prepare and teach lessons from the cradle roll through adult Bible school courses. But, the folks who are really in the trenches are the ones teaching the children. I can remember my grandmother Lois teaching from the Bible as early as the age of four. My 5th and 6th grade teacher was a dear sister by the name of Wilma Sterrett. Wilma took us through the book of Judges and the stories of Saul, David and Jonathan, Ab'salom and Solomon and the kings of Israel and Judah. I never realized how much the stories stuck until years later. Those stories teach us lessons about how to make choices in life. Without them we are like chaff in the wind. At McKnight Road we have many who have taught scores of children for years. Steve Haupt has educated every junior high student for the past 20 years. There are people like John and Christy Cole who pour their heart into Kid's Community.

How about you? Are there some stories about Sunday school teachers who have touched your life? Tony Martin is always looking for teachers. If you have a desire to teach, there is no calling more noble than instructing little ones in the way of the kingdom. If you do, your life will be blessed.


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